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Is CUI Design Ready Yet? A Workshop on Community Practices and Gaps in CUI Design & Resource Development

Hybrid Workshop at the 2023 ACM CUI Conference

Call for Papers

Researchers and industry practitioners working in the field of Conversational User Interfaces (CUIs) are invited to submit to our workshop at CUI 2023. The aim of this workshop is to gather researchers, designers and practitioners from both industry and academia to discuss the current community practice of developing design tools and resources for CUI design, and to discuss how to improve their wider adoption into practical CUI design and CUI design education. Those interested are asked to submit either a position paper or a statement of interest that illustrates or speaks to a research project or practice that reflects on the development of resources, tools, and/or design implications for CUI design, and their wider adoption to practical CUI design and CUI design education. We are looking for perspectives from all different areas of CUI research, from conversation analysis, psycholinguistics, interaction design, voice/speech research, etc. We are interested in attracting a broad range of perspectives in different areas of CUI research, including but not limited to:

  • Development of guidelines and heuristics for CUI design
  • Development of prototyping and usability assessment tools for CUI design
  • Design systems for Conversational UX
  • Transferring "implications of design" from academic research to practical resources and tools for CUI design
  • Design resources and considerations for voice and speech interfaces
  • Usage of design methods and resources in CUI industry and academic training
  • How conversational flow, analysis, and psycho-linguistics can implicate CUI design resources
  • Designing for specific domains (e.g. automotive interfaces, healthcare & wellbeing)
  • Designing for multimodality & multiparty challenges
  • Designing for accessibility and inclusion e.g. underrepre-sented or marginalized users
  • Ethics, privacy, explainability, trust and transparency

Submission Information

Position paper submissions should be between 3 to 6 pages, including references, and statements of interest should be about one-two pages. Papers should be submitted using the ACM SIGCHI Extended Abstract Template (Word/LaTeX). The submission and should describe authors’ work related to the workshop goals and their interest to participate. Position Papers should be sent to Christine Murad by July 7, 2023 (there is no formal deadline for Statements of Interest)

Papers and statements will be reviewed by the organizing committee, and participants will be selected based on their ability to add to the discussion in light of bringing a diverse and representative set of presenters to foster a conversation on the state of CUI design. Acceptances will be sent out on a rolling basis.


We will host all accepted position papers on our website prior to the workshop (unless an author wishes for this not to happen). All attendees must register for at least one day of the conference. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop.