As CUIs become more prevalent in both academic research and the commercial market, it becomes more essential to design usable and adoptable CUIs. While research has been growing on the methods for designing CUIs for commercial use, there has been little discussion on overall community practice of developing design resources to aid in practical CUI design. The aim of this workshop therefore is to bring the CUI community together to discuss the current practices for developing tools and resources for practical CUI design, the adoption (or non-adoption) of these tools and resources, and how these resources are utilized in the training and education of new CUI designers entering the field. This workshop will bring together all parts of the CUI community to have meaningful discussions on how CUI design resources are currently developed, and how we can improve these resources and tools to aid in their adoption in practical CUI design, and CUI academic & industry design training.
This workshop comes at a time where research on CUI usability, design, and development is at an exponential growth. We are also seeing a large commercial push and demand for usable CUIs - many of which we've already seen the likes of, such as Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Siri. This workshop will be bringing together researchers, developers, designers, and industry practitioners to discuss:
The community of practice around the development of theoretical and practical design resources and tools for CUIs (such as guidelines, heuristics, prototype & assessment tools, etc)
Implications of academic CUI research for practical industry design
Industry training and support resources for achieving a consistency of design practice
Academic based teaching principles for designing CUIs
How to develop and foster academia-industry relations to develop and evolve best practices in the design of CUIs
Please see our Call for Papers page for details about submitting to the workshop.
Position Paper Deadline: July 7, 2023 [EXTENDED] (11:59 PM, Anywhere on Earth, email to Christine Murad) (there is no formal deadline for Statements of Interest)
Acceptance Notifications: On a Rolling Basis
Camera Ready Paper Deadline: July 12th, 2023, (11:59 PM, Anywhere on Earth)
Workshop date: July 19th, 2023 (9:00 AM - 12:30 PM)